Martina childrens-hospital
Martina childrens-hospital is located on Valhallavägen in Stockholm. My assignment was to create: on Level one: jungle. on Level two: space.

The decorations consisted of murals and signs to examination-rooms and -halls.
In addition to my paintings, Umbilical Design, contributed with a replica of a spaceship. Also astronaut Christer Fuglesang donated documentary footage from his trip to ISS (Internatinal Space Station).
Commissioned by Architect Anna von kock/Sofia hemmet.

"To make them smile"
Martina childrens-hospital,
To make them smile

Martina childrens-hospital is located on Valhallavägen in Stockholm. My assignment was to create: on Level one: jungle. on Level two: space.
Commissioned by Architect Anna von kock/Sofia hemmet.
The decorations consisted of murals and signs to examination-rooms and -halls.
In addition to my paintings, Umbilical Design, contributed with a replica of a spaceship. Also astronaut Christer Fuglesang donated documentary footage from his trip to ISS (Internatinal Space Station).